There are still places available to visit our world-leading Shakespeare and theatre collection as part of a theatre tour for International Museum Day on Wednesday and later this week.
Our one-hour theatre tours are a chance to hear all about the workings of the theatre with engaging stories of our unique history and the characters that make it. You will also visit The Play’s The Thing, our permanent exhibition where you can explore stories from the RSC Collection.
Started by Charles Edward Flower in 1879, the RSC collection, which now holds museum accreditation status, is one of the most significant Shakespeare and theatre collections in the world.
Material spans from the 1600s to the present day and offers an insight into the history of performance, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Stories of often ground-breaking performances show how stagecraft has developed, how performance has changed over time and give insights into the early stage careers of familiar screen actors such as Judi Dench, Patrick Stewart and David Tennant.
Book a tour