The role of Jack is played by Vinnie Heaven (they/them).
Describe your character in five words: Big heart hidden behind guns
How do they fit in to the play? They kind of don’t, and that’s kind of beautiful. He encourages the people of the town not to fit in if it doesn’t make them happy, whilst empowering those who do to be even bolder in their fitting in!
What are you looking forward to about the show? It's all singing all dancing in a really cool way – it’s full of movement that is about shifting the shape of your skin rather than necessarily creating structured beauty.
Cowbois is a play about freedom of expression - what does that meant to you? It's a human right and it's essential. It’s an essential part of happiness - deep rooted happiness. And to deny yourself or to force somebody else to deny it for themselves is obliterating and awful and takes a long time to reverse. You're never told or reminded that there's only ever one of you - genetically there is only ever one of that particular setup of that person, but you're never told that. When you're forming yourself no one says it - nobody reminds you, you don't see it anywhere so you just start to build yourself around other things other pieces that you see and that can diminish your freedom of expression if you aren’t careful.