We’re unpacking our collection of props in their new home, coming close-up to some incredible craftsmanship as well as a few surprises.
We began work on the relocation of our extensive museum collection in April this year. From costumes to old props, lights to furniture from the original 1879 theatre, everything has been carefully saved and preserved. After so many decades of operating, our collection measures in the thousands.
We’ve now packed and transferred our full collection of props to the new store. In the coming weeks we will be carefully unpacking these items and organising them in their new home, but we’ve already made a few rediscoveries.
Collection’s Manager, Robyn Greenwood said: “This has been a really exciting time for the team – we have over 800 items in our museum props collection and as much as we would like to, we have not always been able to see each one in immaculate detail. For preservation some items need to stored in special boxes protecting them from light and dust. The move has provided the opportunity to look at and photograph items in more detail.”
Our props collection is made up of prop items (portable object other than furniture or costumes used on the set of a play) used on stage, but also scenery and furniture.
The move to a new store is necessary because the current storage facility is full to capacity. The new setup will allow us to improve the environmental conditions needed to preserve the pieces. Next month we move onto packing our costume collection.