The RSC recognises that we are facing a climate change emergency and that the ambition to reduce emissions to net zero needs to be accelerated and achieved before 2050.

We are aware that through both our activities and our estate, we have an impact on the environment and contribute to climate change. At the same time, we believe that we have a responsibility to reduce any negative impacts, promote positive action and address climate change. There are significant challenges for us in doing so which will require us to tackle our patterns of consumption and travel, however we will continually seek ways to work towards becoming a truly environmentally responsible organisation. 

This policy sets out our high-level aspirations, which underpin a detailed environmental action plan intended to address carbon reduction and engage the whole organisation in environmental responsibility. We review this detailed plan on an annual basis.

We actively monitor and seek to reduce carbon emissions associated with gas and electricity. From 2018/19 to 2023/24, we reduced our carbon footprint from energy by 29% and we are committed to developing and building a roadmap towards carbon neutrality by 2030. This will be achieved by, among other measures:

  • reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency across our buildings 
  • increasing the procurement of energy from renewable sources 
  • increasing onsite renewable energy generation; and 
  • maintaining and extending where possible the use of electric and alternative fuelled company vehicles 

We also recognise the importance of taking action to address our indirect emissions and the environmental impacts which result from the procurement and consumption of resources and of travel. We will implement measures to meet the standards within the Theatre Green Book, with a focus on action: 

  • to incorporate environmental sustainability into the creative process and take it into account in the stories we tell and the way we tell them; 
  • to promote environmentally sustainable procurement;
  • to manage efficiently the consumption and disposal of resources across all operations so that we:
    • reduce and where possible, eliminate, waste production
    • maximise reuse and recycling; and
    • achieve zero waste to landfill

  • to reduce the impact of touring and business travel;
  • to become advocates, providing example and leadership for others to take environmental action. 

As part of this process, we will continue to engage and communicate with colleagues on our approach and our policies through training, internal communications and staff.  We will also share and build on our experiences and knowledge by engaging with other arts and cultural organisations and our audiences.
